How to define a custom Open API specification for a Watson Machine Learning deployment to integrate it into watsonx Assistant

This blog post is about how to define a custom Open API specification` for Watson Machine Learning - IBM Cloud deployment to integrate it into watsonx Assistant. The Watson Machine Learning deployments make it easy for data scientists to write AI Prototypes to be integrated into applications because they can use Jupyter Notebooks and Python they are used to without knowing how to write containers and set up runtimes; they can deploy, and the developers can consume the AI functionalities they have implemented via a REST API.

Create a custom dictionary model for Watson NLP

This blog post is about, how to create a custom dictionary model for Watson NLP. One capability of the Watson NLP is the "Entity extraction to find mentions of entities (like person, organization, or date)." We will adapt the Watson NLP model to extract entities from a given text to find single entities like names and locations which are identified by an entry and its label.

Watson Speech to Text language model customization

This blog post is about IBM Cloud Watson Speech to Text (STT) language model customization. Currently I took a look at the IBM Cloud Watson Assistant service used to build conversational assistants. A conversation leads potentially to speech input of users, which needs to be converted to text to be processed using AI for example the NLU.

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